Say What? Archive
Welcome to the world's largest and most up-to-date collection of insane, tragic, misguided, dishonest, inexplicable, and darkly hilarious comments by public figures. This is where reality comes when it wants its mind blown.
December 24, 2010
Brutal consequences beyond imagination.
-- North Korean threat over planned South Korean military exercise Not worth reacting.
-- North Korean response following the exercise -
December 23, 2010
I was in the right wing...and I know what they're doing now. It's a phony wedge cultural war issue. They exploit gay people and they exploit the fear of gay people to gin up their base...It's a totally cynical thing. Half of them don't even believe it...So that's what's going on here.
-- David Brock, Media Matters CEO and formerly closeted gay Republican -
December 21, 2010
The armies of other nations...could allow homosexuals to serve in their military because we didn't allow them to serve in ours...We will no longer able to bail out these other emasculated armies because ours will now be feminized and neutered beyond repair, and there is no one left to bail us out.
-- American Family Association's Bryan Fischer -
December 19, 2010
The one thing I've never been accused of is not being straight. We are making progress. Are we making sufficient progress fast enough? The answer remains to be seen.
-- Joe Biden, on Afghanistan -
December 17, 2010
If we were a woman, and the Congress were a man, we're in the middle of being raped.
-- Rush Limbaugh -
December 16, 2010
It's okay for homosexuals to do whatever they want in their own home. How is this so different?
-- attorney Matthew Galluzzo, defending client David Epstein's alleged three-year consensual sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter -
December 15, 2010
You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan.
-- Richard Holbrooke's last words -
December 14, 2010
I reject the word.
-- John Boehner, on "compromise" -
December 12, 2010
Off with their heads!
-- protestors in London, assaulting a car bearing Prince Charles and Camilla -
December 10, 2010
We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There's no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion.
-- former White House correspondent Helen Thomas